At Bodisync we understand that suffering from ailments such as Muscleo-Skeletal pain (Back Pain, Neck Pain, Arthritis etc), Allergies, Headaches, Asthma and many other conditions have a major impact on the quality of your life. We all want and indeed strive for a healthier and pain free life. However often the reality is that we are suffering from a particular ailment or a range and combination of ailments.
Modern medicine, complimentary, alternative and what is often termed mainstream often focuses on treating just the area of complaint without balancing the rest of your body. However, the food we eat, the thoughts that go through our mind, the flow of energy around our body, the conditions we live and work within, the way we use our mind and body, affects our health and mobility.
Our body is a complex integrated system as such an imbalance in one area will lead to other imbalances developing. For true long term health benefits and relief from these types of symptoms an integrated approach focusing on the balance of the body as a whole and complete system is required.
For Your Mind
- Relieves stress and anxiety
- Calms headaches and migraines
- Harmonises both the nervous system and the energy meridian systems.
For Your Body
- Eases and reduces back pain
- Alignment of broken bones
- Correction of dislocated joints
- Reduces degenerative joint disease
- Nutritional and Digestive advice and treatment
- Improves organ functions
- Boosts the immune health Increases lymphatic drainage
- Corrects and improves joint mobility
- Improves posture